This deadly covid-19 took over the whole world, leading to a pandemic. It’s the time to be very serious and careful about our health, more than ever. We need to be extra protective than before. Covid-19 made us see that “prevention is the cure” indeed. In these crazy times, one with good immunity suffered very less or negligible. But one who avoids their health problems suffered a lot. Be it the regular health check or the negligence in the diet. In this article, I will be shedding light on the easiest way to be out of harm’s reach by Whole-body checkup in Chandigarh, the city of joy and laughter. You can also proceed with a Whole-body checkup in Panchkula and Tricity

Here are five secret techniques to improve your health and get checked as a preventive health checkup in Delhi and surrounding areas.

Complete Blood Count with ESR

The complete analysis in this test determines the number of Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, and the number of platelets in your blood. It measures the current rate at which the Red Blood Cells sediment, known as the term erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). It helps you examine if or not you have any series of diseases. You can visit any trusted hospital to explore this. This falls under the category of preventive health checkups in Delhi. Delhi government is maximizing the number of people to get a checkup by spreading awareness regarding the same.

Blood Grouping and Rh Factor 

In many of the programs run by Chandigarh hospitals, a Whole-body checkup in Chandigarh is the most fulfilling and essential. Since due to the proximity to Delhi, Chandigarh is still in fear of covid-19. Also, pollution leads to many health issues. Rh blood group testing is a system for classifying blood groups, examining the Rh antigen’s presence or absence. It is often called the Rh factor. One of the essential things to be checked. Testing of Rh factor is well run in the Whole body checkup in Panchkula. Examining carefully and guiding the patient fully as to what has to be done.

Blood Sugar

This being the most critical checkup, a Blood sugar test acts like a mirror that says all about your body if you were deficient in certain things. A whole-body checkup in Tricity provides you the best care testing for blood sugar levels. Examining all the precautions and covid-19 guidelines, giving the patient the needed care. Delhi falls under the same category while assisting full body checkup of a patient. Preventive health checks up in Delhi include testing the blood sugar level and guiding the patient on what they need to improve their diet.


These are the few critical testing to be carried on as early as possible and at regular intervals. I hope you find this article useful and get your complete body checkup soon.

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