Contrary to popular belief, boxing for children is one of the most popular sports. The sections teach discipline, develop physical data and help to overcome their fears. Why is boxing for children considered one of the safest types of martial arts, what benefits it brings, and at what age you can start classes?
Boxing for a child pros and cons
Boxing for a child is an opportunity to learn how to stand up for themselves, develop their body, and improve their health.
The advantages of this sport are:
- Tempering of character and will;
- Development of endurance and courage;
- Development of discipline and self-control;
- Development of reaction and coordination of movements;
- Strengthening all body systems.
Any martial arts for children, such as boxing or wrestling, help the children to become more confident. They overcome their fear not only of a rival but also of various life circumstances, such as exams at school or going to the dentist.
Some parents, especially mothers, are against this sport, in their opinion, the child will surely “break something”, and also receive a head injury. Yes, there are risks of injury in this discipline, but they are high only for professional athletes performing in the ring. Children face such risks extremely rarely, and only when it is not a professional trainer who deals with a teenager, for example, a father or a parent’s acquaintance who does not know the specifics of teaching children.
I want to take my child to box, but I’m afraid
Fear is the first reaction of many parents whose children decide to take up boxing. But in reality, these fears are not justified. In the first years of training, children do not perform in the ring, classes are aimed at increasing endurance and strength, as well as improving health. This applies to all traumatic sports. For example, judo or sambo can also be considered traumatic like boxing, but according to statistics in these sports, young athletes are least likely to be injured, because classes are structured in such a way as to minimize the risks of injury.
That is why, if your child decides to go to this sport, do not hinder his desire. It is better to find a good coach for him and rejoice for the baby because after a few months of training he will become physically developed, strong, and morally stable like a real man.
Boxing is a safe sport for children
For children, boxing is indeed a relatively safe sport. Classes are held under the guidance of an experienced coach. Novice athletes do not mate with each other in the ring. The main exercises in training are jumping rope, jumping, running, endurance exercises, and practicing techniques on a bag. That is why boxing can be called one of the safest sports for children. But, despite the low risks of injury when enrolling in a section, a child needs medical insurance for boxing, this is a requirement of the sports federation. You will also need admission to classes from a therapist.
Contraindications to classes:
- Chronic ENT diseases;
- Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
- Respiratory system diseases;
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- Head trauma;
- Skin viral and fungal diseases;
- Endocrine pathologies;
- Diseases of the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract.
If a teenager has these diseases in an acute form, boxing is contraindicated for him. But over time, as the general condition improves, the doctor may give permission to exercise.
Boys, girls
A few decades ago, boxing was considered a male sport, and it was almost impossible to meet girls here. Today both boys and girls attend the section. Moreover, according to the latest statistics, over the past five years, the number of girls in boxing clubs has almost doubled.
According to doctors, this sport is suitable for both sexes, because its effect on the body allows not only to improve health but also to get rid of such problems as excess weight, anemia, osteochondrosis, flat feet, etc. The only thing that is recommended for parents is to take a test, is this sport suitable for a child, before signing up for a section. Boxing is suitable for active guys who are not used to sitting still. If the child does not want to engage in a boxing club, there is no need to force him, it is better to choose another sport for him.
How old is the child to box
Boxing is not an early sport. The optimal age to enroll in the section is 9-10 years. At an earlier age, when the baby has not yet strengthened all body systems, classes can be harmful to health. For example, if you give a baby at 5-6 years old to boxing, this can lead to curvature of posture.
When signing up for the club, the coach will assess the child’s physical condition and ask him to do some exercises. Boxing is good because there is no strict selection when entering school, as, for example, in gymnastics, where children with already certain training are taken.
What a child needs for boxing
When giving your baby to the boxing section, you should not immediately buy full sports equipment. In the first months, you only need comfortable sportswear and non-slip shoes. After the child is in physical shape and ready to train with shells, you need to buy bandages and boxing gloves. Later, when the coach decides that the young athlete is already ready for sparring, a helmet and mouth guard will be required.
When a teenager is ready to compete, he will need special equipment, which includes a boxing uniform, boxing shoes, and a shell bandage.
Boxing school for children
The boxing school for children is not selected according to criteria of prestige or value. The main thing is to find a good coach who will not only coach but also become reliable support and a real friend to the teenager. It is the coach who must explain to the athlete that boxing is an art, not a street fight, and requires the athlete to respect both himself and the opponent.
Moreover, a well-experienced trainer will help you avoid injuries, teach safety techniques and make sure that all muscle groups develop harmoniously. You can choose a boxing school for children near your home in our section catalog.
Conclusion – the pros and cons of boxing for kids
Boxing for children is a great opportunity to understand yourself, your body and join the culture of sports. Young boxers are distinguished by their strength of character, poise, determination, and dexterity. When choosing an experienced coach, parents do not need to worry about injuries and injuries, because the coach simply will not allow the guys to fight among themselves and get injured in the classroom. Of the minuses of this sport for children, only a tough training schedule can be distinguished, which will have to be combined with studying at school.