Recently the OS which is launched by Google which is normally called android was made to compete with IOS Company Apple. The operating system they provide was cheap as well as very attractive which function was nearly similar and identical to the ones apple IOS has. As android software was made by Google by using the basic function of the open-source Linux operating system it was easily distributed to cool steam names in no time.

Thus, we programmers and developers are able to create the android emulation platform, ones the android has in which we can run android files on the computer and enjoy apps facilities in desktop-like playing high-resolution games as well as watching videos and surfing internet on it.

Android Emulation software’s

Android SDK android emulation

Android SDK was the first app invented by android developers in order to taste the app they create into the desktop platform in windows rather than making it complicated by running on a mobile phone. As we all know that, how irritate we feel when we have to make apps and again put in phone and taste. It would be easier if we can build as well as run simultaneously on PC.

Android SDK pack was made to make android apps by developers and programmers to run in windows platform. Once you download the package from here it has a wide range of tools like ellipse tool with help in the programming of an android application, Android Application tools, and android latest platform and latest image for the android emulator for emulation of the app in PC. It is better for developers to use the app in order to taste while making new apps.

Android X86 android emulation 32 bit

This software was a project which provides an android app to run in a 32-bit operating system on Laptop, Notebooks, and tablets. Due to the release of new software updates lately, it was ARM enabled which means we can have full facilities of the app from the Google play store but this time we have to enable ourselves.

Besides the features we have in is that it is running on android OS version 4.2 which is a jelly bean and the most wonderful OS of android and which is just recently developed. It is just lately made so this software has much more glitches and bugs than another android platform. It can be downloaded from

Blue stacks android emulation

Blue stacks are the first android app platform I used. I heard about this app from my brother while I was looking for a way to surf the mobile version of opera on my pc but later I found some app name called opera optimizer which can provide the same facility as used in mobile. But using the android platform feels like using opera on a mobile device. It can be downloaded from here

The Best thing I loved about this app was it has full-screen capability and this was ARM enabled and we can have full features of the app from the Google plays store. It still has some glitches but we can turn every single app to full screen view and graphic even won’t degrade a little but is not recommended to use for watching video and photographs.

We can only use it to play games and use certain apps while the above android X86 has capable of accessing gallery view and media and picture screenshots if we have a webcam. This second glitch is that Blue stacks have inbuilt Google play store support but it doesn’t show up in its app menu while android X86 has every feature despite full-screen capability.

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